
I’m Jenna Turnbull
I’m proud to serve as a trusted REALTOR® in Victoria, BC, where real estate transactions can be complex. Whether you’re buying or selling, I understand the intricacies of contract writing and the necessary procedures. With a proactive approach to problem-solving, I leverage strong analytical skills and thorough research. My background in customer service, human resources, and leadership complements this, allowing me to guide you through your real estate journey with honesty, reliability, and consistency, always maintaining a can-do attitude and approachable demeanor.
While I spent a year in Lugano, Switzerland, as an au pair, adventure doesn’t require such distant travels, especially in the Pacific Northwest. I embrace an active lifestyle, whether it’s riding motorcycles on scenic roads or 4x4ing in remote areas. When not on land, you’ll find me with my fiancé, kids, and Golden Retriever “Honey,” tubing behind a boat or fishing, crabbing, or prawning in our pristine waters. I also enjoy unwinding on our city’s beaches, camping by lakes, cheering on my my 10-year-old son “Linden” play hockey, or watching my 12-year-old daughter “Taytm” in her competitive dancing.
Dance has been a lifelong passion. I competed in tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical, modern, and ballroom dance, which taught me the value of determination and hard work. This dedication led me to dance alongside a professional company on a Norwegian-Sea Cruise Ship.
Growing up on the Peninsula has deepened my connection to this community. While being part of a community is rewarding, giving back is even more fulfilling. I’ve volunteered teaching hearing-impaired children in summer dance programs, participated in the Telus Day of Giving, fundraised for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund, and led the Ministry of Child and Family Services program for the Provincial Employee Community Service Fund. Today, you’ll find me volunteering with children and babies in the hospital, continuing to give back to the community that has given me so much.
Jenna offers the highest level of expertise, service, and integrity. Whether you’re considering purchasing or selling a home, having Jennas expertise is essential. As a top real estate agent in Victoria, she’s there to guide you through every step of the way.